
Tuesday, 7 May 2013

My Island Of Paradise

Walt: write a creative story in paragraphs.

I have an island in fiji. It belongs to me but my family helps me look after the island and they work on the island doing different things too.

Every friday night there is a carnavillie on and runs from 5pm to 12am its lots of fun. This carnavillie has heaps of different rides my favorite is the roller coaster. There is a zoo but it only has a few animals my parents wake up at 7am to feed all the animals at the zoo. Me and my brother both have private jets.

We have a beach on my island and its has big surfer waves. Around the island in different areas of the island are pools little holes that have sea water you can sit in but not big enough to swim in.

In this island there's only 5 shops, 1 shoe shop, 2 clothes shops 3 lollie stores, 4 tool shops, 5 food shop and that is pretty much everything about my island.