
Monday, 9 December 2013


Today we did tessellation. First we had to draw the shape or drawing. Some of us traced it of the computer screen. Then we placed it on a paper and drew around it on another. We then stuck it on a different paper but before that we cut the shapes. It was fun making it.  

Softball on the field

Softball on the field.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

The shark on the beach

` `Carolee

Walt: 1. Write a narrative
2. write in sequence

On the 1st of February 1998 Arihi, Kaz, Tupou and I went for a trip to Kawakawa bay. It was very far from Auckland where us girls lived. Also we couldn't drive cause we are too young. so we asked Kaz’s mum and dad if they could take us it was a yes.

Of we went. Arrived there it took about two hours. We went and camped at the beach there. We went swimming there was other people there too. About 10 to 15 minutes later I saw somthing. At first I thought I was just seeing things. I asked Arihi if she could see it. She said yes. We then noticed it was gone.

“ Tupou watch our run run hurry up run” said Arihi.

I looked and behind Tupou was this big shark it was as big as an giant.

He had huge sharp teeth. Ready to gulp Tupou up. Everyone was screaming.  We all ran straight out. The shark was just staring at us all. No one knew what to do. We were all scared. Tupou was freaking out the most.

We took a picture of it and left. We came back later but the shark had gone. To this day now no one will ever go back there. It was on the news and everything. Apparently its a beach for sharks  on beaches you should always watch out for sharks. It doesn't even need to be a shark. Killer whales, Whales, Even dolphins can attack you. You never know what could happen to you on an beach.

Converting days to weeks

This game is easy. You just have to answer how many days are in how many ever weeks they ask like the photo.

Elephant vs Crocodile

Friday, 25 October 2013

Tony Ryall

Today we went to the marae. The nurses showed us how they use a swab. They demonstrated how to on the minster of health.